Мы, лучшие игроки Xcraft, провозглашаем Верховный Совет, высшую народную власть сектора, и клянёмся ставить интересы проекта выше собственных.<br/><br/>
Electrification necessary for the functioning of buildings has been in, ???
It's a mystery to me how a newbie who is just starting the game will come up with a solution to this problem without help?
Because of such an unnecessary and complicated function, most newly registered players will soon disappear - even more than before...
VasyaMalevich? Where do you get such stupid ideas?
Because of such an unnecessary and complicated function, most newly registered players will soon disappear - even more than before...
VasyaMalevich? Where do you get such stupid ideas?
2 October 2024 02:36:21
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