u guys keep making changing stuff with out telling people and it is really bull shit and i am sick if it i am going to fill out to get my money back from u guys this is a bunch of bull shit i am done
this is my battle ships from early to day
https://prnt.sc/ftf5pjand this is it now
http://prntscr.com/ftpz2wand u all so changed the rec speed they fly at and never say anything about it u guys are stupid or maybe i am stupid for playing this game all i know is am going to fill out fraud claims to all financial institutions about u guys and how u make shit up as u go and on top of that just change it with out ever saying anything and u think u can get a way with that its bull shit and u going to lose ever player u have over time because of it and u guys say it balance of the game will how long have u guys had this game up and ruining last i check it does not take 5 years to balance a game when i am playing one of the first class u made so u guys have to be stupid and my