I would like to complain about the combat simulator - but not in the common way.
Since I reached 25k points I need to pay 1000 vespene for each time I simulate. But 1 simulation is sometimes not enough and I need to make at least 10 calculations for the same battle. Because the odds don't show me the possibility of small losses sometimes.
So if you already charge 1k vespene for it to be used then do the simulation for the same battle 2000 times and give me an overview as result.
This overview should include:
1) Minimum losses for each unit
2) Maximum losses for each unit
3) Average losses for each unit
4) min, max, avg. for total damage dealt aswell
5) min, max, avg. for debris left aswell
Of course this is has to be added, not replaced.
I'm seriously shortly before creating my own battle simulator..
Maybe even an online one because this one of you is just unusable in every possible way. Even if you pay for it to be upgraded it's still useless in terms of attacks with only a small difference in fleet power.
Thanks for reading this.