I would love to see much more quick select options for a lot of different things.
It should be possible for the player to configure the quick select options theirselves.
There need to be a dedicated page, modal (dialog) or drop-down box for everything.
Description of current state:
Currently we only can pre-configure and select the targets for sending units.
Nothing else has pre-configureable selects the players can use.
What I wish to get:
Pre-configureable select options for all the things mentioned under "applies to".
Why I would like to get this options:
It is to make the game easier, smoother and better playable for the players in general.
The benefits include quicker handling of (maybe critical) situations and mostly shortcutting expenditure to reduce the necessary interactions of the player to achieve the same goal and a reduction of the necessary time. (See Examples)
Applies to:
Unit sending
Defence construction
Unit construction
Lots for the Bestiary
Energy for mines
Activation/Deactivation of defence
1. Unit sending:
Description of current state:
When I currently send units from a planet to farm pirates I often have a lot of other units present.
So I am forced to input the exact number of units every time I want to send a fleet to farm a pirate.
This leads to that I often send the same amount of ships 10 times and have to type in the numbers 10 times.
What I wish to get:
I would like the ability to pre-configure a fleet.
This would look like: 1 Pancor + 100 Providers.
Then I would like to be able to choose this unit combination from a drop-down box (or so) and the units get selected automatically.
Optimally I already can combine the units with a mission in the pre-configuration so that a mission would be set as well.
Then I only would need to choose the fleet combination and hit the send button after I chose a pirate and clicked "attack" in its info window.
2. Lots for the Bestiary
Description of current state:
Currently when I want to offer a lot I need to type in the numbers every time.
When I'm trying to offer the same lot multiple times and accidentally click the "close" button then I also need to re-enter the numbers.
What I wish to get:
I would like the ability to pre-configure a combination of resources or units and a selling price in resources/HC.
This would look like: Sell: 2 million metal, 1 million minerals, 100 000 vespene Sold for: 30 HC.
Then I would like the ability to choose this lot from a drop-down box (or so) and the according lot-configuration is applied to the fields.
Then I only would need to choose the lot and hit the add button.
Please consider such options to smooth the game flow a lot.
With kind regards