
The Bugs forum thread is not just for reporting bugs to the administration. It is intended to solve technical problems encountered in the game. Before creating a topic, you should check to see if there is a topic with the bug that you want to report. In order to report bugs or glitches, you can create a new thread instead of writing in the existing threads. Topics with the title Bug, Glitch will not be considered. Try to put a brief description of your problem in the title of the topic. If the problem described above occurred on another account, be sure to specify the account where it occurred.
Responsible: amobi  

Spy report not matching battle report

Reputation 1
Group xerj Alliance Confederate Army 11 5 8 Points 83 878 Messages 10
The user on whose account the problem was detected:


Date or time of the incident (according to server time):

The spy reports from both before and after the battle do not match the units listed in the battle report

Update: I figured it out, they're hidden by the nexuses, but it doesn't tell you that in the spy report. So, message to the developers: Can you fix it so the spy report tells you if droids are hidden by nexuses or not?

Actions required to repeat the problem:
you'd have to spy the planet and then attack it


Third class award

Third class award

This award can be exchanged for fleet award. It is issued for assistance in addressing bugs in game.

Reward issued by: amobi

16 March 2024 20:38:29
16 March 2024 20:38:29
Reputation 4
Group Terminator Alliance Testing 56 8 25 Points 12 612 219 Messages 159
Thanks, fixed.
24 April 2024 11:18:18
24 April 2024 11:18:18


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