i seen many fights like this one and the way i see it either make the fight last only 10m minutes regadles if any new fleet arives at 5 minutes or 8 minutes resulting of renewing the time limit of the fight thats is prety much unfair and making ppl think why even fly let me play farmhouse beter
this an example
http://xcraft.ru/battle/index.php?battle_id=6ebdc58debe5a32c129e066c9c24c66c out of many similiar fights with that way the fight can be prolonged forever so either return us the option of the tacticall retreat or limit the battle fight to 10minutes max 15minutes if and only if aditionall fleets arived after 5 minutes if no aditionall fleets fight should only last 10minutes this takes all the intersting of the battle and makes ppl not wanting to fly at all