I keep thinking I am going to complete mission 6. There are SO many parts to it lol. Now I am at the part of it to -- Deliver by one fleet 2 000 000, 1 000 000 and 500 000 on the planet
[12:121:2] of pirate leader Tony_Montana_pirate to help him finish the repair.
Pretty crazy after having to send so much and take two days travel time and a TON of gas to send the other resources to the 4 Terran pirates...then of course the "surprise" two other pirates coming to attack you! haha... Least got some battle exp and a moon from it ;)
The gas needed and time to send the above is a lot more, plus the amount of resources needed to send. I was thinking of using the Juggernauts I got from reward since they are decent on gas use, and hold a lot. It will take 30+ hours one way! using them, and about 260k+ gas to transport it. The save on gas is quite significant over using other cargo ships. Just pretty crazy to have to send so far! I wish the game had multiple possible delivery points around the areas to be able to choose a closer one. instead of ONE place for ALL to send to...
Maybe I am just unlucky where the game put me to start in relation to doing these quests lol, or maybe it is just meant that way to take a long time or a TON of resources to complete...
I just hope this is worth it when I do that part.
jame, I will post here once I complete that part(if it is the last of that mission) and let you know if it unlocks mission 7 :)
Good luck!