I am annoyed with clicking every single planet and every single pirate in the galaxy.
That's why I'm here to suggest a HOVER MODE for the galaxy map that can be turned on in the game options.
This hover mode should enable that the information windows of planets, pirates, debris and fleets are opened when the player hovers with the mouse over them. no more need for clicking.
The information window should then be attached to the mouse, not to the object itself like it currently is. This would ensure that players can move their mouse around without the "fear" of hitting the window.
Each info window should also automatically close as soon as the mouse is not over an object anymore!
When you want to access the info window in hover mode you can click the object and then the info window should become fixxed that the player can access it.
Example what should happen when the hover mode is enabled:
http://prntscr.com/l97gh3We start with the mouse where my cursor in the screenshot is and move it over the pirates. (yellow arrow) -> Pirate info window shows:
http://prntscr.com/l97hx5We now move the mouse over the planet. (green arrow) -> Planet info window shows, Pirate Info window closes.
As 3rd we move the mouse over the debris where this window shows for a brief moment of time and on the fleet. (blue arrow) -> Fleet info window shows.
And last we move the mouse away from any object and the fleet the info window closes.