Hi Frenz !!
Good to see your view points and logics... We are human so we have brain to think and understand the logic right ?? lol yes !!! so my frenz this game changes as per requirement of top 100 player..How they can get benefit ?? well u may be know this championship of the year 2018 is going on and top guns need points so they need easy target to kill so we are the food for them...Warm up is the best way to get the fleets to kill ( Think about it ) Why this warmup up never introduce starting of the game ???
This game is all about logics and calculations so this game can more realistic right??? now the problem is when top 100 player vote for any thing that become logics and admins change according to that & admins its self change many thing in the name of logical innovations & balance :D lol ...so they can earn more money but unfortunately their steps are making this game just out of logics and ir realstics... Admins don't bother to make this game fair play... i will try to give u few examples so u may understand that (all old players know what im talking about) ...
For Example :- i cant cover all the facts but will try to give u some glimpse..
I sell 1 phone to u @ 1 dollar after few days i return ur 1 dollar to u and now i am saying to u buy the same phone @ 5 dollar now is this a logic or its cheating ??? ( this what they did few month back with officers that's y they are increasing the price of officer every month )
Let me share another latest 1.. me and my friend was doing the Quest 4
http://prntscr.com/lv6tln .... he lost his 22 Sace Wanderer and i lost millions of minerals and metals they don't even bother to provide the solution and closed the thread here the topic thread link
https://xcraft.net/forum/topic_42631there is plenty of proof admins ignoring the facts and they are making this game worst .. many many good players have left the game due to illogical changes..
we have invested our real money and time for FUN but now FUN is removed from game i don't know what is left now ...
If still we don't stand all together then who will do it ??? Its time to think and take stand!!!
Player of year ....>