Последние обновления

08-02-2024 15:52:40
The parameters of the Pankorov salvo (36x55 -> 16x160) and Needle Trees (15x12 -> 10x18 ) have been changed. Needle Trees also have target hold disabled.
07-02-2024 19:00:33
BE-BE can now be captured like all other OPS
06-02-2024 21:14:47
Additional unit losses at the end of combat are now only possible if armour remaining is less than 10%. If there is more than 5% armour remaining, the unit can be lost in space, if less than 5%, it can be destroyed. The probability of losing a unit will be equal to 10% - N, where N is the remaining armour of the unit in %.
01-02-2024 21:01:13
Fleet recovery is now calculated based on the entire fleet destroyed in battle
01-02-2024 8:42:33
Added new items: Anti-corrosion chamber, Vacuum chamber, Pressure stabilizer, Resource preserver, Microbiots, Heat-resistant container, Mineral seal, Gas collector. All these items can be found in the expedition and are activated immediately when placed in buildings.
29-01-2024 19:47:30
The line between a unit being destroyed at the end of a battle and being lost in space is now 90% of the remaining armor
29-01-2024 14:28:31
Regeneration effect increased to 0.5% per level.
29-01-2024 13:13:25
The probability of additional destruction when leaving the battle is reduced by 10 times
26-01-2024 14:46:25
Regeneration effect has been temporarily reduced to 0.1% per round.
26-01-2024 12:47:59
The possibility of loss in space has been replaced by the possibility of destruction
25-01-2024 17:25:28
Dreadlisk: we have changed the salvo parameters (3x13 -> 2x16) and the bonus on reinforced armour (1.4 -> 1.6).
25-01-2024 13:46:17
24-01-2024 10:43:00
Added a new item: fluorite spotlight. The recipe can be found on the expedition.
19-01-2024 13:54:51
New items added: nano-sprayer, titanium tape, space paint bottles. Drop them in the debris after a battle with a pirate.
19-01-2024 13:17:14
Fleets on a comet with a Defence order are now not automatically turned around.
16-01-2024 15:01:00
Added new items: Thermalin Dust, Ultraviolet Emitter, Fluorite Crystals. Drop into the debris after a fight with a pirate.
11-01-2024 11:14:23
In the overview, in the planet panel, removed the debris information, left only for new users.
10-01-2024 18:05:56
Description of the lot in the Digital Register
09-01-2024 13:49:21
The maximum fleet recovery radius has been changed from 100 000 to 10 000
28-12-2023 13:39:45
A new item "Flagship Contract" has been added for all races
23-11-2023 15:38:52
Changed speed bonuses from Reflex Evolution, Photon Knowledge, Space Distortion and Fleet Beacon.
08-11-2023 15:54:53
The bonus to object density from Wormhive has been changed.
18-10-2023 12:06:43
Spy officer bonus has been changed.
17-10-2023 20:09:13
When leaving an object with a negative structure, a gravitational wave is formed according to all the rules
17-10-2023 18:54:58
The active items Vulture, Nidus Net and Oracle have a 0.5% chance of breaking once per hour
03-10-2023 21:18:41
Added "Autocollector" item for each race - when activated on an object, resource fragments on the " Buildings" page are automatically collected
02-10-2023 14:48:04
Displaying ingredients for items and their estimated cost in the Catalogue
29-09-2023 8:39:16
Removal of a random artifact during an attack with an unspecified looting priority.
28-09-2023 13:54:13
The Stealth item can be used on any satellite
22-09-2023 13:45:18
It is allowed to build a Leaf-lift at the OPS.
21-09-2023 7:09:07
In the Options, the ability to select the country whose flag will be displayed (instead of the selected language) has been added.
20-09-2023 13:55:39
The “Stealth” item now hides in any orbit; such an object can only be detected by approaching it at a distance equal to 1000 of its diameters
12-09-2023 14:22:22
Reduced premium account cost for Hydarian crystals
06-09-2023 12:26:23
Displaying the "Renegade" status for friendly and foreign fleets
04-09-2023 15:41:35
The item "Stealth" and the recipe for it have been introduced, details will be in the description of the item and the recipe
04-09-2023 15:06:46
The “Gravitational Wave Invulnerability” ability has been removed from all stations except administration and pirate stations.
25-08-2023 14:15:15
Added the ability to reveal visibility from your objects to friends and alliance members through the properties of the object.
By default, general visibility is disabled, the player can independently configure individual visibility for allies.
21-08-2023 19:26:21
The rate of extraction of gas from comets is increased by 2 times.
21-08-2023 13:32:39
Visibility extends to allies (alliance members and friends)
17-08-2023 14:28:57
The requirements for the Fleet Beacon have been changed: the number of buildings has been reduced, disciplines have been replaced.
Fleet Beacon, Psi Disrupter and Bestiary are now allowed to be built on asteroids. (NB: Bestiary level 3 and above will not be able to operate as a marketplace on an asteroid.)
15-08-2023 19:44:27
Detection Technology, Fleet Beacon: Visibility Reduced (2000 -> 1000), (3000 -> 2000)
15-08-2023 18:12:39
Sensor spore colonies: doubled visibility radius (1000 -> 2000) and attack period in battle (1s -> 2s).
14-08-2023 16:36:02
Entry into battle of Attack aircraft and Interceptors from the fleet only from Aircraft carriers
14-08-2023 11:08:19
Fog of War Implementation (Update/Change Visibility Rules)
11-08-2023 18:10:41
Sign of overload when displaying a fleet.
10-08-2023 13:38:13
You can build artefacts in the Workshop using recipes
02-08-2023 12:15:16
Artifacts are now items, all their properties are saved
26-07-2023 21:10:32
The chances of comets spawning have been increased, the minimum required time to search for comets on an expedition has been reduced from 24 to 6 hours; gas reserves when a comet appears are reduced.
19-07-2023 8:45:18
Adding a monthly (30 days) premium subscription for Hydarian crystals.
26-06-2023 22:25:36
The percentage of depletion is equal to the number of months since the construction of the current level of the building, to the power of 1.1
06-06-2023 7:25:45
Performance optimization.
Fixed memory leaks when moving around the galaxy and slow performance when navigating the game for a long time.
01-06-2023 14:03:03
Adjusting the removal of quest OPS in line with newbie protection
01-06-2023 8:55:08
31-05-2023 13:39:27
For premium accounts, a more accurate speed setting has been added when sending fleets
26-05-2023 16:48:56
Reverse warmup was returned to the Transport order, but in this state it no longer sees fleets flying to the warmup coordinates
24-05-2023 14:10:25
Removed acceleration in the opposite direction from the Transport order
18-05-2023 22:31:33
Changed block values for Flame Worm (3->4), Needle Tree (5->3) and Mole (1->3).
09-05-2023 8:32:24
Resetting the fleet recovery queue when the Shipyard/Incubator/Cybernetic Core is destroyed.
08-05-2023 21:19:55
The link to the Workshop (crafting items) is now on the fleet building page (https://xcraft.net/craft/)
27-04-2023 10:26:40
Introduced items and the actual craft. Details in this post and further in the topic: Первый предмет от Сената
25-04-2023 16:22:41
The percentage of debris when destroying objects has been increased from 1 to 10 ( OPS На 90% меньше сырья ).
25-04-2023 2:45:35
Added the ability to manage alert settings and the global conversation message counter at the contact level.
24-04-2023 17:41:58
Update of Otorten
- Display models and effects in 3d
- Sound effects
- Hints
21-04-2023 17:12:45
Storekeeper now adds bonus from fleet holds on satellites only.
Queen's Nest now adds 100k metal capacity per level instead of 500k.
20-04-2023 20:18:49
The production bonus of network stations is reduced from 25% to 10%.
19-04-2023 15:08:40
Pirate fleet sizes increased by 25%.
18-04-2023 16:33:57
It is allowed to declare a hunt for objects without an owner and for objects of players that meet the conditions for declaring a hunt for a player.
18-04-2023 13:41:51
Commission for declaring a hunt for a player or object 25%
17-04-2023 11:54:40
The interval for issuing moves in battle has been changed from 15 to 10 seconds.
14-04-2023 3:09:12
Redesign of music:
- Adding sound effects for some actions;
- Ability to fine-tune the sounds and playback volume;
- Improved background music in several tabs of the game;
- Improved sound alert for new private message.
11-04-2023 13:53:31
Battles are accelerated by 2 times (change of round duration from 50 to 25 seconds).
11-04-2023 13:46:27
Debris when destroying an object has been reduced from 10% to 1%.
10-04-2023 16:57:56
Teleportation Gate fuel consumption increased from 1 FC per 25k ukm to 1 FC per 10k ukm.
10-04-2023 16:21:50
Gigashadow: damage reduced from 600k to 500k, fuel consumption increased from 30k to 40k.
05-04-2023 21:27:53
The bonus percentage of statistic medals has been reduced by 5 times.
03-04-2023 16:03:32
During planetary destruction, the flying entity in the same coordinates will not suffer;
When a system is destroyed, the flying entity is destroyed if both coordinates of the current jump are in the system being destroyed.
30-03-2023 21:22:53
Objects in the Digital Asset Register are now flagged in the Galaxy Panel
30-03-2023 17:16:47
The price of a experimental research has been increased from 10 to 12 crystals
28-03-2023 19:24:57
Allowed Warp Gates to be built on all Tosses satellites.
22-03-2023 13:49:14
Disable saving renegade battles to Notepad, as they are clearly visible in the Battle Reports
20-03-2023 3:46:28
Fixed visibility of hidden stations when looking for teleportation gates.
17-03-2023 11:59:01
The cost of adding to the Registry of Digital Assets has been increased from 10000 to 12000 HC.
15-03-2023 13:36:07
06-03-2023 10:42:51
Fixed a bug with entering a "foreign" battle in high orbit.
03-03-2023 13:26:28
Lexx cannot devour buildings that have been poisoned.
21-02-2023 21:23:44
Prohibiting the sending of interplanetary missiles with a flying Insectoid entity
21-02-2023 18:54:49
Displaying in Resources the required energy for the Teleportation Gate and Gravity Gun
21-02-2023 17:18:13
To detect new comets in an expedition, the fleet must now spend at least 24 hours in holding. (Refining the coordinates of already known comets is possible in expeditions of any length).
20-02-2023 13:37:09
Teleportation gates now consume 5,000 energy per level for both sending and receiving.
13-02-2023 15:24:45
The base speed of processing comets is reduced by 2.5 times. Comet recycling speed bonus from slowdown increased to x10.
10-02-2023 14:10:03
The alliance membership fee has been replaced by an application fee.
06-02-2023 15:33:57
Allowed to send with the order "Attack" on comets.
03-02-2023 14:40:32
Crimson Ancient Stone now also grants a bonus to Interplanetary Missiles
02-02-2023 17:24:04
The Alliance Battle Reports now show the type of coordinate where the battle took place: planetary object, orbital object, asteroid and high orbit.
02-02-2023 13:28:04
Destruction to shreds in high orbit now only takes into account fleets in the battle zone of the arrival area.
30-01-2023 16:04:06
Fleet points (for BE, etc.) are now calculated at the current Vespen exchange rate, just like fleet statistics points.
20-01-2023 19:11:56
Configuring a notification about the start of a battle for the "Occupation" order
16-01-2023 20:50:02
Logging your own and others' renegade attacks in Notebook to the log of saved battles
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2 Сентября 2021 16:45:45
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 20 Просмотры: 12031

Announce: reduction of fleet debris

And some other re-evaluations



13 Августа 2021 07:59:58
Посл. сообщение: 🌎Marek
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 6 Просмотры: 6359

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

13.07.2021, 05:00am server time [Completed]




13 Июля 2021 05:37:23
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: 🐞ymnik Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 5844



8 Июля 2021 13:38:19
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4762



7 Июня 2022 11:12:00
Посл. сообщение: DjSoulJammer
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 6 Просмотры: 8114



9 Мая 2021 21:41:24
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 17 Просмотры: 9667

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

25.02.2021, 05:00am server time [Completed]



25 Февраля 2021 06:15:06
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 4704



9 Февраля 2021 11:49:49
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 5458



3 Декабря 2020 19:24:52
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 6202

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

October 15, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]




15 Октября 2020 05:49:12
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: 🐞ymnik Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 5308

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

September 29, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]



28 Сентября 2020 14:59:24
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4485

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

September 10, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]



9 Сентября 2020 12:41:54
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4780



26 Августа 2020 22:34:23
Посл. сообщение: Visio
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 6585



22 Июля 2020 09:42:43
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 5234



27 Июня 2020 19:15:57
Посл. сообщение: 👾Zinfin
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 6430



27 Октября 2020 13:23:44
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 31 Просмотры: 12164



23 Мая 2020 11:45:22
Посл. сообщение: MeSoHorny
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 47 Просмотры: 16609



18 Мая 2020 02:51:13
Посл. сообщение: 🌎Marek
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 12 Просмотры: 7777



6 Апреля 2020 11:27:00
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4953



2 Апреля 2020 16:06:06
Посл. сообщение: NibblesDaCat
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 8 Просмотры: 6823



26 Марта 2020 07:14:47
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4433



23 Марта 2020 15:59:21
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4925



20 Марта 2020 07:22:02
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 5080



26 Марта 2020 16:57:31
Посл. сообщение: lsd-techno
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 7 Просмотры: 9856

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

January 28, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]



27 Января 2020 12:13:32
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4454

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