Xerjs’ holes were changed

Репутация 360
Группа Terminator 184 33 50 Сообщений 5253
Xerjs holes are changed:
- the coefficient of rise in the cost of construction costs has been reduced from 2 to 1.25;
- the production is reduced, the decrease in the coefficient of added production from 1.036 to 1.025 is the basis of the reduction;
- holes energy consumption was reduced dramatically;
- now holes occupy the fields on the planet as well as the recently processed auxiliary mining buildings of terran.

The difference of the commission of the bestiary is enlarged approximately 2 times, which gives dramatically more opportunities for price formation.
And resale is more expensive than the purchased resources or fleet.

The bonuses of technologies that reduce fuel consumption by the fleet have been changed:
- Optimization of all engines: rocket, pulse, hyper, tosses engines, total 5 technologies
- Officer Synthetic
- evolution.
Bonuses are cut in 2 times.
Dramatically cut bonus of reduction in consumption due to the level of raiding.

A sharp decrease in the bonus on fuel costs is due to the fact that the TOP-players spent 4-5 times less than others on flying the fleet. And the forthcoming voting at SC will most likely change the current level of protection of the players.
Attention! There is a vote in SC and most likely on Friday the protection of newcomers will be changed.

Fuel costs in the hold mode in the expedition are reduced by 2 times.
For convenience of "save".

Pumping technology from now on reduces the amortization of 2 times less efficient.

The emperor allows you to see fleets flying to and from coordinates using the Sensor Phalanx, from level 10, not from 5.

Mudkip speed is cut from 725 to 700.
Fighter speed is cut from 1000 to 800.

From now, 100 creeps are required for 1 planet field, not 200 and not 250.
The energy consumption of the Terraformer is reduced 2 times, from 1000 to 500.
The cost of experimental research was increased from 5 to 6 HC.

Infrastructure also increases the number of fields.

Update 27.06.17:
- 1 HC is write-off for each day spent in vacation mode
- To enter the mode, you need to have 1 HC and 1 HC at midnight
- Rules for removing of the players wasn’t changed, the last activity is checked (the last account access)
- We added a grace period for players who are in the VM at the current moment (until October 1, 2017)
- The grace period works for the players who activated the VM before June 27, 17 14:00, Moscow time
- If player is blocked with VM he doesn’t need to have HC for the vacation mode.
- You automatically exit the VM if you do not have 1 Hydarian crystal on the account during the daily write-off (at a midnight on the server time)

Bonuses from alliance networks: speed, consumption and production are cut in half.

Platedtoids are cut. The broadcasting radius of their network is shortened.
26 Июня 2017 07:24:54
26 Июня 2017 07:24:54
Группа guest
Base speed of mudkips was not 725. That is scavenger speedlike.
27 Июня 2017 12:36:56
27 Июня 2017 12:36:56
Репутация 360
Группа Terminator 184 33 50 Сообщений 5253
From now, 100 creeps are required for 1 planet field, not 200 and not 250.
The energy consumption of the Terraformer is reduced 2 times, from 1000 to 500.
The cost of experimental research was increased from 5 to 6 HC.

Infrastructure also increases the number of fields.

Update 27.06.17:
- 1 HC is write-off for each day spent in vacation mode
- To enter the mode, you need to have 1 HC and 1 HC at midnight
- Rules for removing of the players wasn’t changed, the last activity is checked (the last account access)
- We added a grace period for players who are in the VM at the current moment (until October 1, 2017)
- The grace period works for the players who activated the VM before June 27, 17 14:00, Moscow time
- If player is blocked with VM he doesn’t need to have HC for the vacation mode.
- You automatically exit the VM if you do not have 1 Hydarian crystal on the account during the daily write-off (at a midnight on the server time)
27 Июня 2017 13:31:00
27 Июня 2017 13:31:00
Группа guest
Victoria, now it locks all admin became crazy, or they run out of money!
Do we have again the 1. April????
I would understand if you limited the max VM-time per stay and/or Year, but this chang will kill your game, defenetly!
Like me, sometimes I had traffeling or no internet connection, so I go in VM for that time, but now to spend HC, it´s not to be tollerated!
27 Июня 2017 16:45:36
27 Июня 2017 16:45:36
Группа guest
Quote: joey666xxx
mes I had traffeling or no inte

JOEY, keep cool. A big toss Admin wants to be KING of 2017.
They just want to feed him at 1.10.
Thats all about.
I guess at 1.10 I could run nacked here - no one will look.
all tongs are hanging down by searching VACs.
27 Июня 2017 16:56:38
27 Июня 2017 16:56:38
Группа guest
Like each Year, stupid russians!
27 Июня 2017 16:57:21
27 Июня 2017 16:57:21
Репутация 169
Группа humans Альянс Ghost Division 127 33 74 Очков 17 101 447 Сообщений 74
Joey:   Fleet to expedition for n days and putting resources production to Zero on planets is almost the same like vac mode for active players.
Only difference:  They still can attack you.  But when there is no profit - most wont.
Actually I like the idea of change.

There are too many players in vac mode for too long time.

But the solution could be better:

- 30 days vac free per year and account

- after that every day costs 1 HC 

Problem solved.
27 Июня 2017 17:04:17
27 Июня 2017 17:04:17
Группа guest
1. october there will be a massacre for sure, for everyone who thought he was secure on holiday mode lolololol. Lets see how many will ever return to the game after they saw that all their army has been gone because of this change of vacation mode.
27 Июня 2017 18:50:59
27 Июня 2017 18:50:59
Репутация 7
Группа toss 9 7 30 Сообщений 23
Seriously... Talk about a money grab. Try 30-60 days free vac. Extra to be purchased 

Also how much you guys want to bet the top contributors are just hungry. They've already researched the vac fleets locations and are just pushing the change for their benefit as usual.
27 Июня 2017 18:51:12
27 Июня 2017 18:51:12
Группа guest
I now - everytime Admins do changes - user run into vac.
But I do not think this change solve THAT problem Xerjs’ holes were changed

27 Июня 2017 20:00:22
27 Июня 2017 20:00:22
Репутация 7
Группа toss 9 7 30 Сообщений 23
Im willing to bet this is because someone "paid them off" to make vac fleets come out of hiding so they can be consumed by a few at the top.
Unfortunately every change this game makes is for the benefit of those at the top.

FYI if you were worried about fuel consumption being such a huge advantage for the higher ups due to raid level..
Instead of reducing the effectiveness of research... why dont you... you know... address the issue which is their raid level advantage? reduce how much raid level affects fuel consumption. problem solved. nah instead you screw the little guy and make the advantage even larger for the bigs at the top. lol...
27 Июня 2017 21:48:24
27 Июня 2017 21:48:24
Репутация 360
Группа Terminator 184 33 50 Сообщений 5253
Bonuses from alliance networks: speed, consumption and production are cut in half.

Platedtoids are cut. The broadcasting radius of their network is shortened.
28 Июня 2017 10:43:53
28 Июня 2017 10:43:53
Репутация 13
Группа xerj 16 18 46 Сообщений 143
The proposed protection changes.

You guys are NUTS! Stop trying to kill off your small players.
stop rewarding the big ones.
Stop catering to the top 100.
You're killing your own game!!!

Seriously. You need to stop drastically changing the game system to kill off the smaller players before you get a whole slew of fraud causes launched against you. People contribute but then you turn around and screw them.

If anything your attack +/- size range is too large.
A player at 500,000 points no matter how they set their account up, has absolutely no chance vs a player with 2,500,000 points.

All your systems does is promote the strong picking on the weak newer players who have no chance of defending themselves. 
You think a 1,100,000 point player can do anything at all vs a player with 10,000,000+ points? They dont even have access to near the same level of force.
ffs whoever is coming up with these ideas needs taken out back and shot for stupidity.
29 Июня 2017 08:36:11
29 Июня 2017 08:36:11
Репутация 11
Группа xerj Альянс United Nations 47 18 42 Очков 2 089 762 Сообщений 30
Wow.... why didn't you guys tell me this before I spent my time and energy - only to get screwed for my efforts at the behest of high point players that want additional targets, and to lose whatever bonuses I got for developing my planets and ships.  Hell, i would have found another way to spend my time...

Victoria, once upon a time, not so long ago, the admin INCREASED the level of protection, allowing only 5x points to attack any given player, up to 3M points.  That seemed to be met with almost universal approval... though I usually only talk to players <3M points.  And now, again in the name of "balance", this decision is reversed and now players 10x can attack.  Think about that for just a minute...as MBN has pointed out... a 300k player can't even compare, much less defend against, a 3M player, no matter what he does, has or plans.  How is that "balance" by any stretch of the imagination?

Victoria, I've been playing here for almost two years, and unfortunately it seems to me that every change in the name of "balance" is a means for the top players to offset one of their opponents' strengths.  All the while, the smaller players get abused and lose interest.  Is this the purpose or goal of these changes...to rid the server of all the pesky 'little' players so that the high point players can have their fun, or to provide additional targets for the big players when their usual opponents go on vacation?  Were that the case, if might be considerate to notify new players that, for the most part, they aren't wanted here...
30 Июня 2017 15:29:40
30 Июня 2017 15:29:40
Группа guest
Hi Victoria,

I just test your HC payment system for Vacation Mode!
For the minum stay in the Vacation Mode your HC price is wrong!!!!!
How can I spend for the minimun stay (2 days ) only 2 HC ???
If I will go back to play 48 hours +1 secound are the earliest time I can do, but then the third day will be deduct!!!
In sum the minimum Vacation time cost all player 3 HC. this you shut be corrected or make a new Announcements , or tell it right here, that the admins calculated it wrong!
Each Day of Vacation mode cost a player 1 HC plus 1 HC for getting out of VAC! Why is it for russian so difficult to make it correct! As a geraman I can´t understand why your make it wrong each new balance! 
BTW no normal player like your balance, if your are under 100 kk score!
BR Joey
4 Июля 2017 21:14:30
4 Июля 2017 21:14:30
Группа guest
it was an a update or bug, after who i have 271/218  and 241/213 fields on my first two planets???
16 Июля 2017 13:30:25
16 Июля 2017 13:30:25
Группа guest
Lord, they change the game now all your construction takes one field on your planet so check all your building lvl then you will know then.
16 Июля 2017 14:44:49
16 Июля 2017 14:44:49
Группа guest
only change was on metal, well an geyser. each of them 10 lvl now 271 of 218. all three is making 30 fields. it still does not  balance diffirence.

and wyyonly first two. ( maybe three) plantes had less fields?? newest planets had same field places??
16 Июля 2017 23:07:33
16 Июля 2017 23:07:33
Группа guest
Lord, hihihi. You are funny lord.
Admins already did 20 other changes in balance, without telling us.
This field change is already weeks ago.

17 Июля 2017 00:00:02
17 Июля 2017 00:00:02
Группа guest
for xerjs yes. for terrans not that old update.
Best part now is has i need to rush my planets and reoccupied for more fields.
Change main planet without paying can one time. now i need use that.
Im start thinking is it worth....
17 Июля 2017 07:11:30
17 Июля 2017 07:11:30


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