New basic rules of fleet flights, changing the mechanics of warm-up

Репутация 361
Группа Terminator 184 33 50 Сообщений 5253
Dear players, we ask you to fly very carefully in the near future, carefully observe each departure, telling us about bugs, because the project has got new fleet flight rules.

Fleet animation on a track in the galaxy, and in fleets-in-flight, flashes if at least one fleet unit is still in the process of warm-up

Animation of the operation of the engines during the actual flight when the fleet cannot be attacked also can be noticed.

From now on, all fleet units are warm-up before any flight, including returns, and can be attacked at the launch object all the time of their warm-up. Different units in one fleet have different warm-up time and the fastest units of one fleet can run away, while others can be attacked.

You can find a description of new warm-up in the information of the unit in the tip "Warm-up Time.

Fleets that warm-up after missions from objects, which do not belong to the object owner are visible in the galaxy.
This is the most controversial innovation.
For example, we attacked the planet of the enemy and after the attack our fleet start to warm-up and it is visible to everyone in the galaxy as a fleet defensive object.

We installed system browser notifications. Now everyone can turn on notification about attacks of their objects and fleets on any device.
22 Ноября 2018 15:45:49
22 Ноября 2018 15:45:49
Группа guest
for example, now the lex will be in orbit visible to the enemy, and can be destroyed by 01h 40m 00s
battleship - flight time on the moon 04m 20s warmup 04m 31s - theoretically before it warms up, It's coming back....
similar nonsense in the attack from orbit to the planet....

probably no one wants such changes.
22 Ноября 2018 16:18:56
22 Ноября 2018 16:18:56
Группа guest
This change is for big gun not for small one ....
Why don't you make the "warm up time + % of Battle experience levels "
The big gun win all time becaus small player don't have protection when they are in coordinate .
22 Ноября 2018 16:53:53
22 Ноября 2018 16:53:53
Группа guest
i am experiencing that my hit and run fleets are orbiting target planets with a ghost. return flights from target doesnt move but timer is still running. fleet descritpions boxes on fleet page and galaxy show what look like retreat timers for all different class of ships. random ghost fleets. these are the effects ive experienced in about 4-5 hrs of this current playing session.
22 Ноября 2018 16:54:21
22 Ноября 2018 16:54:21
Группа guest
Yes, that's right.. another change for great old players. maybe make them a different universe?
22 Ноября 2018 17:10:59
22 Ноября 2018 17:10:59
Группа guest
oh wait... you mean some of those things i was experiencing was intended? lmao, i thought those were bugs. 
22 Ноября 2018 17:20:50
22 Ноября 2018 17:20:50
Группа guest
The Game , begin to lost he's exactement and his beauty , with thise new rules , only the big old gamers ( Only for them ) !!!
Continue , and I will , No longer play these game , .... More and more rules to gives and protect to Big players . 
22 Ноября 2018 17:59:56
22 Ноября 2018 17:59:56
Группа guest
This is IDIOTIC !!!!!!So there is no more sending in the session(save), because the fleet itself becomes a target.......
So you killed everything that was good in the game, you reduced the attack of the terrain several times,exchanged all from planet to the interface and you did it very stupid and very meanly....I have no more words for your nonsense that you call changes!
22 Ноября 2018 18:28:56
22 Ноября 2018 18:28:56
Группа guest
Hi Admins,

This game fleets options are already complicated and time taking after this change it will be pathetic to play ( u called innovative .. we player say stupid fusion without any sense ). Do you really understand the meaning of balance???? i have a doubt, seriously what ever u changed in last 2 years, its not logical neither user friendly applications  so why we play this game ????

Question for you admins..

Why we play your game, give me any damn reason for that...

Why we play ...
1. when there is nothing like balance..
2. any time you reset officers price, without informing us..
3. Any time you reduces pirates, without informing us..
4. Any time you reduce fleets specifications, without informing us..
5. Any time you do changes without informing us..

Its time to think why every day players are leaving this game you should think of it i am pretty sure its not too far your project will shut down soon due to your so called balanced changes.. Trust me, still if u make it fair game then you don't have to depend on your 100 top player.. You will have many many new players. Players will love to invest real money for fun.. In Fact we all can invite our friends join the game so you need to think what to do ...

if u cant implement the suggestion which i  have mentioned above then ONE last solution there after there will be no complains RETURN EVERY ONE REAL MONEY TO THEIR ACCOUNT there after you do what ever u want no ONE will complain...

all players its time to take step either you continue this game without any complain or take step...



22 Ноября 2018 19:30:21
22 Ноября 2018 19:30:21
Группа guest
So STUPID and IDIOTIC to keep changing the game for the worst.... Seriously as if it was not complicated enough to play. New basic rules of fleet flights
Keep taking the fun out of the game and you will have no players left...

Already has to be the greediest game I have ever played, with the prices of everything continually being raised
all the time. Seems to me that the administration of this game are far to greedy and do not care anything about
how enjoyable and user friendly the game actually is. Just giving the million plus point players more chances to
pick on the little guys....
22 Ноября 2018 20:21:49
22 Ноября 2018 20:21:49
Группа guest
Ahh, i see we are having another one of those 'Wow sounds awesome....looks great on paper...and when it comes time to actually execute the plan: Ok, WTF did you do?!? Whose dumb a@@ idea was this, this is horrible!!!"' moments. 

As a long time gamer, may i offer a small humble suggestion? Perhaps it is time your team consider doing what all decent game developers do....create a test server. This way you can try out all your rediculous, crazy notions and ideas and see how they play out in live test BEFORE you nerf the game even more/worse while dumping this kind of silly crap on the general public and paying customers hmmm??? All your doing is unbalancing the game in favor of the older players....AGAIN! -smh sadly-
22 Ноября 2018 20:32:29
22 Ноября 2018 20:32:29
Группа guest
IDK, this way kind of takes advantage away from powerful players who are overpowered against weaker ones with the advantage of hit and running before a mate can even get help or know what is happening.... this may make fleet battles and dynamics way more strategic and interesting if no one can hide in the dark all the time...
22 Ноября 2018 20:50:05
22 Ноября 2018 20:50:05
Группа guest
You have removed the ability to react and operate the fleet at the last moment. Now you must all predict the future. So you fly a Lex? Well, you must know an hour before you move that you will be attacked..... OK?
Example: Maybe you have just logged in to the game and an attack is four minutes away...…. So your fastest ships may make it out alive, but the rest are gone because you needed a lot longer for 'Warmup' - up to and including an hour or more!!!
 How does this affect aggression? A fleet on Coordinates with aggression set to "Off" will still engage in battle if it's "Warmup Time" has not fully run out? it will not retreat until the (x) amount of minutes that is Warmup Time.... is that right? You have then introduced two conflicting "updates" to the game. One now cancels the other in many situations... a sign it was not thought through very well.
 A fleet at coordinates, flying to and from coordinates is already in flight. It stands at coordinates IN FLIGHT - so why does it need to warm up again? And Expedition Return / returning the fleet from a coordinate - The fleet is already in flight so why have it warm up? Fleets on coords are now food for the dogs... 
Well, tell admin that is a great and heavy set of chains they have just put on the fleet, again, and the game.... again. 
Remove the warmup or reduce it significantly so we can move the fleet. What is the point of the game when you can't move the fleet? When you must begin your flights an hour before you actually wish to fly, then hope you don't get annihilated in the meantime because of "Warmup".... this is insane
22 Ноября 2018 22:51:38
22 Ноября 2018 22:51:38
Группа guest
First question : Why do devs and admins nearly never reply to players who discuss updates? Either you don't care, in which case why give us the opportunity to discuss subjects in the first place? Or you don't know what to answer, in which case asking for clarification might help.
Second question : Will you rework warm-up times ? Because as said >1h warm-up time is nigh on unplayable if big dogs keep a close check with phalanx and such. How are you meant to keep fleets safe in such conditions? 

All that being said I still appreciate the game because of the strategic depth. But please listen more to the community as a whole, or make it a Russian only game. Most updates are quite pointless (meaning many consider their money is wasted) or so game changing it deeply disturbs game play  (energy rework? For those players who spent time and effort and money finding adequate planets well off you go again. Warmup update? Small players become easy prey. Continuously increasing mutant/officer prices? Why? Getting to level 10 already costs so expensive, why try to earn more more more more off of small transactions when you could build a solid playerbase by being just a bit fairer?)

As said the game has huge potential, but there still is a lot to do
22 Ноября 2018 23:31:15
22 Ноября 2018 23:31:15
Группа guest
"Strategic Depth"?????
You mean that you can control move of your fleet whenever and deviate from your initial destination? That would be a strategic feature
Or you mean that you can delay any  move like you delay an attack so you can arrange the arrival of your fleets at a destination point...

I get it, you mean that you need to invest quite a few brains to re-arrange everything after each admin balance modification.... don't you?

There is no "Strategic Depth" in the game. If you have understood its ecology, there is no strategy for the players.
... and do not challenge me in strategy ... New basic rules of fleet flights check the battle experience New basic rules of fleet flights
23 Ноября 2018 00:15:08
23 Ноября 2018 00:15:08
Группа guest
Really bad change, in the line of all the latest changes always for favors to big players.
The theme of the fleet being seen during Warmup Time is the worst I've seen.
Large ships with great Warmup times lose much use, now it is almost too much risk of losing them to use in any attack.
In the end, only the fastest ships will be used.
23 Ноября 2018 02:04:13
23 Ноября 2018 02:04:13
Группа guest
Once again we see the philosophy that to enhance one aspect of the game here, then the quality of all others must be reduced.  To liken this philosophy to real life: One does not become more intelligent by making everyone around him more stupid..... that is just a lot more stupidity....
 Balance is not achieved by continually reducing capabilities and stripping players of the rightful bonuses they have paid for or achieved in the game. Nor is it achieved by putting everyone's fleet at risk, which they have worked hard to build and maintain. If by some mistake their fleet is not safe, then it is their own fault. But to wait up to an hour after sending on a mission to know it is safe..... some of us have more to do in life than to watch a computer screen for that long while nothing happens!
--- If you send a mission with the whole fleet to coordinates close by, the fastest ships flight time shows that they would reach the destination before the slow ships have even finished warming up!!! How is that balanced? 
--- So we can enable notifications if we're attacked? So what? You still cannot move. And if we move, we are supposed to watch the screen for up to an hour to know that our actions are a success, that our fleet is safe... for something as simple as returning a recycle fleet or dodging an attack.
--- "Use faster ships" -- Sure, if specialization wasn't just stripped from the fastest attack ships, that might be an option worth more consideration.
Admin, what is it you are trying to achieve? I am genuinely interested to know how anyone could think that this is a benefit to the game... how does it benefit or enhance the experience of the player? I think the comments from the players here and in the Russian Forum have made it quite clear already that this is NOT better in any way at all. 
--- So if your customer base is unhappy, what is the solution to that? Do you tell them 'too bad' and to buy something else that will fix the problem until the next time you strip that from them in some "game balance enhancement"? Or do you try to actively listen to those who use your product daily and are telling you what they want from you. Which will it be? I think I know already...….
23 Ноября 2018 04:15:17
23 Ноября 2018 04:15:17
Группа guest
Epiditions of sending all fleet units to safety are extremely costly in gas now do to the change in delay for deploying fleet.  It also prevents escape from stronger enemies attacking your systems.  Are the deveoplers attempting to get rid of players who do not pay or pay small amounts? Doubling and tripling in some cases the expidition costs in fuel make it impossible to continue to protect the fleets in expitions.  If you continue the runious ways some people will throw their hands up and quit.....if that was the intention it will probalby work. But if not fix this idiotic change.
and get rid of it and go back to the way it was.

I have never posted before only stsarted in August but I am not sure where to reort bugs....l saw bugs here so I feel I must speak and report my thoughts.  Logic deems that if a something is not broken why break it trying to fix it.   Wisely keep the players you have and redeem this game back turning back the clock to previous system and rid us of this idiotic change.   We wait with baited breath wishing you to show your wisdom to us great game masters.
23 Ноября 2018 06:17:35
23 Ноября 2018 06:17:35
Группа guest
idk if this 'bug' is from your new implement but I just had a hit and run shuttle fleet fight it out for abt 50 min. against a ghost fleet until the planets owner came online and transferred all the resources away... what's up with that?!?
23 Ноября 2018 09:55:51
23 Ноября 2018 09:55:51
Группа guest
I just noticed the Space Warder was nerfed in your last round of 'strategic depth' by reducing its attack power by half but left everything else the same, including the through the roof fuel cost, yet none of the other flag ships appear to be touched in similar manner. Is this because you felt the SP was overpowered? And if so, why did you leave everything else unchanged, including fuel cost which imho should be and needs to be cut by at least half as well?
23 Ноября 2018 10:34:42
23 Ноября 2018 10:34:42


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